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Farhad Nooralahzadeh

"I am a postdoctoral fellow at University of Zurich (UZH).
I did my Ph.D. student at the University of Oslo in the Language
Technology group. My PhD research was on Low-Resource Adaptation of
Neural NLP Models.
Before starting a Ph.D., I was a research engineer at the Inria
Sophia-Antipolis research center in the WIMMICS team. Before, I spent
one year in the Parsing and Semantics Group at Xerox Research Center
Europe in Grenoble (France) which is now Naver Labs Europe. I got my
master's degree from the Erasmus Mundus Master program in Data Mining
and Knowledge Management.
Currently, I am working at Krauthammer lab (UZH and USZ) on text generation
models in NLP looking to integrate database, text, graph, and imaging
data. I am involved in the application of natural language processing
tasks in the medical domain, utilizing various AI techniques for EHR
and radiology image comprehension."


University of Zurich


Faculty of Science


KrauthammerLab, University of Zurich & University Hospital Zurich